Mobile Web Up FAQs
- How long does it take to create and launch my mobile site?
Normally 3-4 weeks. Larger scale and ecommerce websites may take a few weeks longer.
- What does it cost?
The price varies, because websites themselves vary:
- Does your site have a dozen pages? Hundreds? Tens of thousands?
- Do you measure your traffic in visitors per month? Per day? Per second?
- Do you need secure e-commerce?
- Are you like a mobile contractor or agency?
No, we are a hosted, SaaS (software as a service) company. Your mobile site runs on our platform, which we continually update and improve behind the scenes. This lets us keep up with the never-ending changes in mobile technology, so you don't have to.
- What happens when our main site changes?
When content on a web page changes, the corresponding mobile page will immediately and automatically update in almost every case. Similarly, when you add new pages similar to existing ones, the mobile site immediately shows mobile-friendly versions.
The only exceptions are changes which dramatically alter the page layout; or, when a new page doesn't fit the mold of an existing template. One of our designers will then update the mobile design. For most of our clients this is rarely needed.
- What smartphones are supported?
Essentially all of them: hundreds of smartphone models used by North Americans to browse the mobile web. At the moment, that mainly includes iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone, but we also optimize for a long tail of other devices.
The intent is that over 99.5% of your mobile visitors will have a excellent web-browsing experience, from now on, without any special effort on your part. In six months, the smartphone landscape will be different; we continually update our service to keep you ahead of the curve.
- Is the mobile site secure?
Yes. Our platform is PCI-DSS compliant. Mobile Web Up meets the vendor security requirements imposed by your bank or other financial partners.
- Why is the cost so high?
Actually, it isn't. Our fees are literally a fraction of those charged by our competitors, such as Usablenet and Moovweb. Don't take our word for it; call them and ask.
Regardless, consider the cost of NOT investing. The world is going mobile, and if your website isn't easy to use and read on smartphones, you're already at a disadvantage. In the near future, when 40% of your visitors are using phones, you'll have a big problem.
- Why does Mobile Web Up cost so much less, then?
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos points out there are two kinds of companies: those working hard to charge more, and those working hard to charge less. Mobile Web Up is in the second camp. We're here to make enterprise-grade mobile web solutions accessible to mid-sized organizations.
Our competitors' offerings are excellent, but tend to bake in options and extras your web presence does not necessarily need - raising the price by tens of thousands of dollars in the first year alone.
Also, we believe their early focus on Fortune 500 companies now hinders them from reducing their pricing, lest they be forced to slash rates for all their existing clients.
Mobile Web Up's focus is on your website as a powerful marketing tool for your business. We're just extending it to the mobile web.
Get started now, or learn more about mobilizing your site.
Case Studies

"We are very happy with your work... I will recommend Mobile Web Up whenever the opportunity comes up!"Nadine L. Simon, Marketing Director,
"How was the process of working with Mobile Web Up overall? FANTASTIC! I highly recommend Mobile Web Up, without reservation!"Deborah Martinez, Web services manager, MSIA
"I nearly flipped because I knew if I was having trouble loading my website [on my phone], so was everyone else... They worked remarkably fast. I highly recommend asking Mobile Web Up to make your website transition smooth and easy to the mobile universe."Angela K. Lee, L.Ac, A Return To Health Acupuncture